The Farmhouse

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Finding Mecca

Hello from The Farmhouse buried under 30 inches of snow! This little place handled the Blizzard of 2016 just fine. I guess if you've been around for over 100 years , you've proved yourself storm worthy.

Snow fell as high as the fence line.

That's the patio chair under the snow.

No napping here for a while!

We were stuck in for 2 days due to the fact that our plow guy had his own problems and couldn't make it. Luckily I was able to find an alternative on day 3 and we were freed. Yes - I went to Starbucks.
Bella had her surgery 13 days ago and she is doing very well, surgically speaking.

She is using her leg and getting around too well. We have had a major issue, however, with her "toileting" as it were. The story goes like this: We brought her home from the vet on Friday afternoon at which time she peed and then before bed she peed again (remember she must be leashed walked in a small area, no more than 5 minutes) before bed. Saturday - NO pee or poop - Sunday morning - still no pee- it had been 30 some hours!! I called the vet Sunday morning and he told me this happens sometimes and he recommended taking her to park that is frequented by many dogs. So...we loaded her up ( remember this is just 3 days after major surgery) and off to the park we go. Well that guy knows his stuff. Four poops and a pee! The mother load. Wow, this is great! The scent of the other dogs over-rides her fear of bending her knee, Eureka! We will come here everyday as our bathroom - problem solved, right? Oh 30 inches of snow? Uh oh! I don't know if you people know this, but, scent is greatly diminished by snow. No scent -no pee or poop. Back to square one! So we walk and we walk through a blizzard and after a blizzard and she holds it - one day, then a day and a half! What to do? Wait - I know the place: Mecca is located just up the street. So we trudge up the street, through ice and snow to this Holy Land - a land where yellow snow is abundant and is there for the smelling. The home of Max and Harry, two male Goldens who have marked the entire area. And you guessed it - SUCCESS! On both issues. Oh happy day. So this morning at 7:30 AM I find myself trucking back to The Holy Land and again all prayers were answered. If you need me you know where to find me. Oh , what we do for our dogs.
Obviously I have been quite consumed with Bella and the Blizzard, so not much else to report on.
Thanks for stopping by.

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