The Farmhouse

Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's A Jungle Out There...and Some Ugliness.

Every day I walk Bella around the neighborhood and sometimes Cliff joins us. We pass the same things every day, but, it is always changing, too. There is an empty lot near our place where vines grow wild and we see wild creatures there. Yes, we see deer, groundhogs and rabbits, but we also see elephants, buffalo and giant hares, too! What?? No, we have not been smoking (well...not lately), we are using our imaginations! Here is what we see:

See the rabbit?
See the elephant? Woolly Mammoth? Maybe a Camel. 
Come on really look,you never know what you'll see. It's a jungle out there! 

We are thinking about working on the back of The Farmhouse. It's rather ugly.

We want to cover the tanks and heat pump. We are thinking of a small fence and shrubs.  Our favorite
landscape architect is working on a plan. It's a work in progress. We are also thinking ahead and will be getting snow guards installed on the metal roof. This prevents snow and ice from cascading on to the shrubs below.
I never knew we needed snow guards,but, soon we will have them! I tell ya, just like Roseanne Rosanna Danna said, "It's always somethin' ." 
Still battling with my RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), meds have not helped yet. Sigh! Soon? Not much else happening here at The Farmhouse.
Thanks for stopping by.