The Farmhouse

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Confusing Days

It's mighty confusing here at The Farmhouse. Is it summer? Is it fall? Well, it's hot and humid so that's summer, but, the leaves are falling fast and furious so that's fall. right?  It's like this:


Fall :(
I am also seeing a lot of acorns, too. Does this mean we are in for a rough winter? Let's hope not.
Cliff says The Farmer's Almanac is calling for a bad winter. Yuck!!

I love these hot summer days. Here is where I spend a little time every afternoon.

I turn on the ceiling fan on the west porch, grab my book and stretch out on my little couch. It's not long before I am fast asleep! That's right - I sleep in the middle of the day. Just like a baby, after lunch I need a rest. I am claiming this is due to my Rheumatoid Disease, but, to be honest I have always enjoyed a nap. And this porch is so wonderful for napping. So...this "condition" is really kicking me in the ass! Besides aching and swollen joints, I am soooo tired. They say the meds should kick in any day now so I am impatiently waiting. The weird thing is I need to keep moving to feel better. It's a delicate dance of movement and rest. Bella has never been on so many walks!
The pillow business has slowed to a crawl, but, thanks to a very special client I just filled a big order.

My nephew is a realtor and he gives personalized pillows to his clients at settlement. He's keeping me afloat in these troubling economic times :)
I wanted to re-share my cabinet knobs. I know I spoke about them before, but, I just love them. Kitty and Bella are the models. So cute!

My friend was cleaning out her closets and gave me these three wooden pigs. I painted them with Chalk paint (what else?) and Cliff nailed them together and we hung them on the gate. So many flying pigs!

Thanks for stopping by.