You never know what you're gonna get. Well it seems I've got myself a nice little auto immune disease. Rheumatoid Arthritis to be exact. Huh? How did this happen? One minute I'm fine and the next I'm a "patient" with a "disease". It started innocently enough, my knuckles on my thumbs hurt to the touch, but, they functioned just fine. Next, it was one or two fingers had swollen joints, and I thought maybe I had I got tested and that was a big Negative, but, what could this be? Then it really started reving up - one day my knees hurt, then my feet and hands and it was getting worse. My primary doctor tested me for all kinds of things and called one evening to say he thought it may be RA and started me on Prednisone. A miracle! No pain, but, of course we can't stay on that for too long so it was off to the Rheumatologist...I didn't even know how to spell rheumatology (still have trouble with it). He confirmed what my doctor thought and now I am being treated for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am starting to learn how to live with this thing, RA. Mornings are awful - you are in pain and stiff and always wondering what will hurt today, but, after swallowing lots of Advil things calm down and you carry on. Around 2 pm a wave of exhaustion hits and I need a big ol' nap. Then I'm good to go until evening and the whole thing starts again! I have started on a DMARD , disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (ain't that a fancy name!) and should know within 3 weeks to 3 months if it will help. So in my box of chocolates is RA. I am fine and I am trying not to let this "bump" in the road get me down. I am still riding my beloved pony, just taking lots of Advil an hour or two before and they say moving around is good.Like Forest Gump and Jenny - me and Advil go together like peas and carrots! I will keep you updated as go on this journey.
Things around the Farmhouse are good. We are in full bloom.
The Lilly's look lovely.
Cliff made this stone surround. Looks nice.
The vine is really growing on the arbor.
Thanks for stopping by.