The Farmhouse

Monday, May 18, 2015

Patio Re-Do

Here is a fact: I really have no say in many things Farmhouse related. Our "new" patio is a prime example. Cliff just wasn't happy with the size. He lamented this fact all winter, so what does he do? He hires someone to make it bigger. Oh - and adds a new walkway,too. I thought it was fine. We downsized, remember? But, I have no say, remember? The new patio portion is a very small addition, but, it does look nice. We added a new seating area as well.

The firepit was a gift from yours truly for Cliff's birthday.
Here is the new walkway.

Now we need to find a place to but the large slate stones that made up the walkway before.
Any ideas? Really large coasters! I could stencil them!!
So there you have our new and improved patio.
Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Prognosis: Negative

I am sitting before my laptop sniffling. I am sad, but, my sniffles are from the copious amounts of pollen in the air. I have never had allergies before and this spring I suddenly have been hit hard. Now you are wondering why am I sad? Here is why:

I am ready to admit it doesn't look good. Does it? This Tulip Poplar is dead or dying. If you remember last year we had the tree doctor come out and try to save this beauty, but, alas she didn't make it! The doctor said the tree was stressed from the construction of the Farmhouse. I asked if perhaps Valium or Prozac would help, but, the tree doctor did not find that funny. Who knew trees were so sensitive? If I had known I would have spoken soothingly to the tree. I would have promised the tree that construction wouldn't last that long and things would be back to normal soon. Coulda -woulda-shoulda! Let this be a lesson people - trees have feelings.

We will be setting up a Go Fund Me page to help pay for the removal of the sensitive tree in the near future :) Mucho deneros!!

We are thriving in the growing of wooden benches, however,

I guess they are the byproduct of trees gone by. We found the bench on the right under our screened in porch when we renovated. Perhaps it came from a tree that suffered from low self esteem?

In other growing news, we have 3 new window boxes on the carriage house. I love.

The front porch is all dressed up, too.

Happy Spring!

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

My Beautiful Hood

This week in Charm City has been unsettling to say the least. After watching hours and hours of media reports on my hometown I needed to turn off the TV and get some fresh air. I started to feel better as soon as I turned down my street and saw this.

Polo Ponies! That's right Polo and we're not even in Palm Beach! These ponies summer here and spend the winter in Florida. They get exercised every morning and I just love to watch. Each rider "ponies" 4 horses. Not an easy feat. Trust me.
Next, I saddled up Bella and went for a walk around our fair neighborhood. We came upon this.

Who knew - an artificial turf lacrosse field. Oh how I wish Josh was 20 years younger.
How about this little place.

This is my neighbors spring house. I love this place. It was built over 100 years ago.
I also find these stone walls oh so charming.

Spring has turned everything bright green, including Cliff's lawn.

I wouldn't trade my little corner of the world for anything. It's calm and peaceful and during such volatile times it provides comfort. Would I move downtown?

Not even if pigs could fly!
Thanks for stopping by.