The Farmhouse

Monday, January 26, 2015

New Porch

The new screened in porch is done and looking fine. It was a nice quick job with only one little hiccup. I got the, "Excuse me ma' am, there seems to be a problem." It seems that the old beams supporting the porch were rotted through. Of course they had to be replaced.



New floor, we will stain in the spring.

Finished porch. We are deciding what color to paint the door.

In other news, this one is in BIG trouble!

She may look innocent, but, she is in the doghouse. I took her for a hike in the snow and she took off chasing geese and ignored me when I called her. She was real busy eating goose poop, too. I know - how ladylike! 

Enjoy the snow.
Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Show and Tell

Well we find ourselves once again inside due to poor weather. We were supposed to have rain, however, we have ice. pony riding for this gal. I am feeling a strong need to craft and my mind is swirling with ideas. I thought I would have an impromptu craft show right here on this blog. Here are a few of my latest creations. Please hold all applause until the end. Thanks you.

My little bathroom sign. I went to Goodwill, bought an old cheese board and viola - a vintage looking sign. Oh - and I added a fun knob.

Fox Hunter pillows. I made these for my riding buddies for x-mas gifts.

This is a Corgi pillow I gave to Bella's agility teacher. Trust me it looks better in person.
I also made some coasters. I don't have photos due to the fact that right before the New Year something very awful happened and it has been very hard for me to talk about it. But, I am ready to speak candidly about it now. You see, my hard drive died. There I said it! Obviously this was very, very hard on me. First, I was led into a false sense of security by some geeks, but, that turned out to be a bunch of baloney! They said it would be OK. They said it just needed a few tests and some "medication". Well...I went into this with the highest of hopes. I am a positive person. I parted with my dear baby and was told she would be fine in a day or two. The call came and I rushed over to pick her up, I even swaddled her in a blanket to keep her warm. I got her home turned her on and...same slowness and lethargy as before!! Prognosis : Negative. We rushed back, went home and waited for the call. It came. Dead Hard Drive. No hope. Sad. All was lost. As I said I am a positive person so I bucked up and carried on. Aren't I something? I even downloaded Word and Outlook myself. So that is why I don't have any photos of the coasters!
Now I am not the bragging type. Am I? But, I was over the moon thrilled when this arrived at my door last week.

An oil painting of The Farmhouse commissioned by non other than my son, Josh! Wow!I am thrilled for two reasons -one, my son bought ME a gift! - two, my son bought ME a gift and it's of the Farmhouse!! This what the original house looked like before we gussied it up.

This week the porch renovation starts. Here are a few before shots.

We will be getting new screening, flooring and posts. I will keep you updated.
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Jerry Kinda Morning

So it is 20 degrees outside and I really don't want to leave this oh so cozy farmhouse.  I spent a few hours cleaning while Cliff went out to get his breakfast.  That's right, he gets his food on the outside. The man likes his breakfast from any local place that offers up white bread and cholesterol - and Diet Coke of course! The breakfast of Champions. Anywho, when he comes in he mentions that Larry David was on Howard, but he didn't get to hear too much. My ears perk right up. I love Larry and I love Howard. I got get into my car ASAP!! And don't get all judgy on me - yes- I am a LOYAL listener of Howard Stern. The man does the best interviews hands down. This week alone he has had Bradley Cooper and Larry David on. Unfortunately he is on Satellite radio and I can only listen when I am in my car. So into my car I go. Made up some stupid excuse of needing toilet paper and off I went.
We have been Seinfeld fans since the beginning and then Larry David fans with Curb Your Enthusiasm. I believe I can quote word for word from most Seinfeld episodes and some Curb episodes, too. Larry was great on Howard this morning. I drove around for a while listening and of course went to Starbucks, too. Which on a side note - I am very angry that I did not win Starbucks For Life - the contest I played religiously for a month! What a scam. However, I realized after I got my Tall in a Grande cup o'joe, I am similar to Jerry.  He has a show called Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee and I am in a car getting coffee!! See? Only I am not a comedian, but I am listening to comedians and making clever comments to myself ( and Bella!) Therefore, I am a show. When I came home I watched an episode of Comedians...Coffee with Jerry and Sarah Jessica Parker. Love her! She bought an old Country Squire Station Wagon and they drove around kibitzing. Fun stuff. It got me thinking, maybe I should do a show called Bloggers in Cars Getting Coffee. Anyway if you haven't seen the show I highly recommend it!
I have an update on our beloved neighborhood swine. They are now residing at The Calvert Humane Society. It seems they were destroying other peoples lawns, too. I think it's for the best. They really didn't fit in with the neighborhood! I miss them though.
Things are status quo here at The Farmhouse. We are getting ready to renovate the screened in porch. It desperately needs a makeover. Stay tuned.
Thanks for stopping by.