The Farmhouse

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Thanksgiving has come and gone.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, filled with family, friends and food!  We were lucky enough to have Josh spend a few days with us.  He flew in from the coast, as they say.  We had a fun time and he is loving life in San Fransisco. We had some of "the boys" over along with their folks for an after Turkey Day party.  We just dropped Josh off at the airport and I admit I shed a few tears. I will adjust again, just give me a day or two.  It got me thinking of the seasons and how we are entering winter here at the Farmhouse.  Change happens whether you are ready or not.  Things around here are changing - I got out my camera and took a few pics.

I think these bushes are splendid in their fall colors.

We switched out the summer begonias and added ornamental cabbage.  Slaw anyone?

Now that the leaves are gone we get a good view of the tennis bubble behind us.

I would be remiss if I didn't share Cliff's lawn with you.  I give the guy credit, he got himself a beautiful lawn!

I thought this was cool.  This a tree sap icicle.  I had been watching the sap ooze out of this tree and with the cold temperatures the sap froze into a giant icicle.  I wonder if it's maple flavored?

Well I titled this post Barren and you may be wondering why.  The trees are now barren, but, I am referring to something (or someone) else.  Drum roll please.....

Bonnie is NOT preggers!! The sonogram was done and there are NO little piggies in there.  Diagnosis: Pot Belly! I also have a feeling these little swine may be leaving the neighborhood very soon if they are not gone now.  I spoke with "their mom" and she wants them evicted ASAP.  More to come on this.

I am feeling a little melancholy today due to Josh leaving and of course the possible eviction of Bonnie & Clyde.
Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Return to Blogging

I have been absent for awhile and I do apologize.  I have been busy attending to some very important matters close to home.  And by close, I do mean close.

It seems I have become the neighborhood liaison for loose running swine.  I have accepted this role with grace, if I say so myself!  However, as of today I am stepping down from my post.  You see, I have finally had a powwow with the owners of said piggies and he doesn't particularly mind that these beasts are at large.  Get it?  At large!! Anyway it seems I became the go to gal to call when swine were spotted.  Why?  Is it because I named my home The Flying Pig, or because we proudly spotlight a flying pig from our roof?

I'd like to think it's because I am a caring person. But, people, if the pig guy does not care if his little piggies are roaming the hood, why should I?  I have bigger fish to fry - don't I? I can't do it all.

This is Bonnie.  She may be in a family way.  According to her "dad" a sonogram was to be preformed last week. I must admit I am feeling very sorry for her having to haul that belly around!
At first they got loose maybe once a month, but, now it is an almost daily occurrence. Even Bella doesn't really care anymore.  It's just another day here at The Farmhouse for her.

On the house front we have been making a few changes.  We felt our den/living room was on the dark side, so we decided to replace the front door with a glass door to let some light in.



I love it! Really adds some pizazz.
Stay tuned for a few more improvements.
Thanks for stopping by.