I like to think of myself as an inquisitive individual. I like to know stuff. The Internet has opened up a whole world to me that my beloved, yet , antiquated World Books, never could. As a child I loved to read the encyclopedias that my mother proudly displayed on her dusty bookshelves. We had the World Book Encyclopedias and the yearly publication, whose name I cannot remember. I could recite every breed of dog or horse, I loved the pictures, too. Now when the thirst for knowledge hits me - I Google it. I also love my smart phone, for those times when I am away from home and the thirst hits me. This got me thinking. Am I just nosy or am I actually interested in obtaining answers to very pressing questions? Case in point, the pot bellied pigs we recently "rescued" (what, you thought I would be interested in quantum physics?) The young man who owned the pigs told me he thought the female may be pregnant. Well, this has been bothering me , as I am now deeply invested in the sows' well being. So...I looked up gestational times for pot bellied pigs! In case you are interested and I know you are, it is three months. Here's where the nosy part comes in, I have been sneaking over there to check on Bonnie (her name). Yes, I am trespassing, but , I need to know!! So far a lot of nothing, but, she and Clyde greet me with many oinks.
My next quandary is more of a global (Lutherville, MD) interest. Both Cliff and I have been hearing random booming sounds and shaking of the earth. Earthquake? After about the 10th time of hearing and feeling the blasts, we had to know. My very smart husband wonders if it is some sort of blasting, like from a quarry. Out comes my smart phone and I boldly call the Bluegrass Quarry on Beaver Dam Road and guess what? They blast on a regular basis and what we are hearing is said blasting. Wow am I relieved, I thought we were experience aftershocks here at the Farmhouse. So you see I am very interested in the most mundane of things, but, hey at least I am interested.
I hope you find this blog interesting. I am thinking of finding out about different types of pine cones next. I have learned that different types of pines drop different shaped cones. Fascinating stuff I find as I nosy about my neighborhood.
Thanks for stopping by.